OnDisplay Unveils Free B2B XML Server

OnDisplay Inc. (ONDS)
today announced XML Connect, a
product designed to deliver business-to-business XML server software to
organizations that need to establish a secure, guaranteed exchange with
online trading partners.

Founded in 1996, OnDisplay, provides e-business infrastructure software
to power e-business portals and e-marketplaces.

XML Connect enables the seamless and secure exchange of XML business
documents (such as purchase orders, invoices, and order confirmations) with
any other XML Connect user, as well as with users of OnDisplay’s CenterStage
eBizXchange product.

XML Connect enables enterprises to standardize their XML communications
quickly and simply. Prior to XML Connect’s release this was not possible, a
statement released by OnDisplay said.

XML Connect supports all available XML schemas. It also allows B2B
e-commerce participants to set up secure connections with their trading
partners without the needing to purchase and install proprietary software on
either end of the trading partner connection.

OnDisplay believes that by “seeding the market” with XML Connect, the
company will greatly accelerate the adoption of XML and B2B commerce,
according to Mark Pine, chief executive officer of OnDisplay.

XML Connect is currently shipping in a limited partner release. It will
be generally
available on March 30, 2000, as a free download from XML Connect’s Web site
and from OnDisplay’s Web site. The product also will include free online

Companies already on board and using XML Connect include PurchasePro,
SciQuest.com, and SourceTrack. These companies will provide XML Connect to
their buyers and suppliers for free in exchange for connecting into their
respective marketplaces.

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