O’Reilly Unveils WebSite Pro 2.1

O’Reilly and Associates this week
released WebSite Professional 2.1, its comprehensive Web server package.

The next-generation version includes expanded Java support and
full-strength encryption, as well as additional enhancements to WebSite
Professional 2.0, which was released in September 1997.

O’Reilly incorporated Live Software’s JRun technology into WebSite
Professional 2.1, enabling developers to utilize WebSite servlets and
JavaSoft servlets simultaneously on the same Web server using the same Java

JRun’s technology results from a combination of a class library and
specialized bridge-code. This enables applications to run JavaSoft servlets
on a server. Servlets may be used as a basis for database retrieval,
document formatting, and creating other servlets. By using small servlets
concurrently, a developer is able to expand the Web server’s capabilities and

WebSite Professional 2.1 supports 128-bit encryption by using Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0. WebSite Pro 2.1 is actually able to provide up to
164-bit encryption, as long as the client Web browser is able to support
it. With the current restrictions imposed by the U.S. government, however,
Professional 2.1 with full-strength encryption is available only to
U.S. and Canadian users.

WebSite Professional 2.0 is priced at $799, and the upgrade to version 2.1
is free to present 2.0 customers. For more information, visit the O’Reilly WebSite Web site.

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