ParaSoft Monday announced the release of WebKing’s first plug-in module, CodeWizard for HTML.
CodeWizard for HTML is an error prevention utility which enables developers to ensure that their site works on all browsers by enforcing HTML coding standards.
Coding standards can reduce the number of errors in a site, as well as make code more portable and easier to reuse and maintain. Using coding standards allows developers to avoid syntax problems, nonstandard elements, and constructs which are likely to cause problems.
Each Web browser interprets HTML differently, so ensuring that your site’s HTML is universally supported is imperative. The usual practice of simply checking your site on one or two browsers does dot ensure that all browsers will be able to display a site correctly. Additionally, problems in HTML syntax may affect data input, navigation, performance, presentation and even security.
By using ParaSoft’s patent-pending Source Code Analysis technology and W3C standards, CodeWizard for HTML detects errors in syntax, grammar, and design. The tool enforces over 90 syntax rules, such as missing elements, overlapping elements and incorrectly used elements. After finding each violation, CodeWizard reports the standard that was violated, the line number where the error occurred and information on how to fix it.
CodeWizard for HTML is available for Microsoft Windows 95, 99 and NT, as well as Linux and Sun Solaris. ParaSoft is providing a free copy of CodeWizard for HTML with each purchase of WebKing for a limited time. For additional information, visit the WebKing Web site.