Project Cool today announced devSEARCH, the Developer’s Search Engine.
devSEARCH, which enables developers to simultaneously search 23 of the top
Web development sites, is being billed by Project Cool as “The search
engine for the people who build the Web.”
Project Cool’s goal was to simplify the search for information about
building for the Web. It uses a basic text window that allows queries of
multiple phrases separated by commas; the more phrases you enter, the
more accurate the search becomes.
Using devSEARCH, specific sites may be searched as well as all of the
indexed sites. At the current time, 23 Web development sites are indexed,
- WebMonkey
- WebReview
- The Web Developer’s Virtual Library
The makers of devSEARCH are looking for additional sites to add to the list
of indexed sites. If you have any suggestions, send an e-mail to