Tashcom Software this week released ASP-Edit version 2.05
for Windows, an Active Server Pages scripting and HTML editor
that provides full Visual Basic script support.
Tashcom is billing ASP-Edit v.2.05 as a tool for all levels of Web
authoring. Its offers many “wizard”-driven routines for less-experienced
users that can be turned off if so desired. Function-specific wizards
include an ADO connection wizard, an SQL Query wizard, a table wizard, and a
metatag wizard,
Key features of
ASP-Edit v.2.05 include plug-in support that will enable third-party
programmers to write their modules in the application. ASP-Edit’s code
highlighter indicates where HTML, ASP and VB script are used. It also
supports Webtv tags, Cold Fusion and common SQL commands.
ASP-Edit v.2.05 also provides support for Dutch, German, Spanish and other
language, as well as full PHP and MIVA support. Other features include link
and document validation and the capability to open files directly from the
ASP-Edit v.2.05 is designed to run under Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows
NT. It is priced at $50 for a single-user license, and site licenses are
also available. An evaluation copy of the application can be downloaded from Tashcom’s
Based in Cambridge, U.K., Tashcom offers Web site design and
maintenance services as well as three other software products: Easy Tarot,
Color and Metatag Buster and Mail Butler.