Will New PDK Attract Perl Developers?

The Perl programming language requires a few add-ons to make it fully usable. Developer.com notes that developers haven’t exactly rushed to the latest version, 5.12, but the new Perl Development Kit adds some important functions that might make it more appealing to developers. Read on to find out more.

The open source Perl development language is finally getting a needed boost in the form of the Perl Development Kit (PDK). While language itself was updated to version 5.12 in April, developers often need additional tools to enable deployment, something the PDK provides.

Software developer ActiveState this week released PDK 9, an update to its toolkit for building and deploying Perl applications. ActiveState’s toolkit bundles the Perl language for deployment on multiple platforms, including Windows and Linux.

Read the full story at Developer.com:

Will the New Perl Development Kit Bring Developers to the New Perl?

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