AOL Germany Unleashes Inexpensive Daytime Access

AOL Germany Wednesday

introduced its first pure Internet service provider deal for the German


Through its CompuServe brand, AOL

Germany is offering business dial-up services as part of its

CompuServeOffice initiative that makes daytime Internet usage costs more


The new pricing structure offers CSO services starting at DM 1.9 Psg seven

days a week, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

That equates to about $0.008 US per minute, while remaining access time is

charged at 0.048 marks a minute.

Uwe Heddendorp, AOL Germany managing director said of AOL Germany,

introduced the CSO dial-up deal as Germany’s first Internet service that

offers cheaper rates during the day than during evening and nighttime hours.

“CompuServeOffice is targeted at all day-time users, who wish to

strategically and efficiently avail themselves of the Internet’s advantages

in matters of information gathering, service and communications,”

Heddendorp said. “CSO is a perfect addition to AOL Germany’s strategy of

providing made-to-order offers to customers in all market sectors.

As a complement to CSO, J|rgen Rvsger, CompuServe Germany general presented

the newly revamped CompuServe portal, which facilitates time-use of the

Internet access plan.

Subscribers can register for the new offer next Monday, after which they

can use CompuServeOffice Internet access through a single nationwide

dial-up number.

AOL is extending its multi-brand strategy to with the launch of its ISP

services offering offer in the German market. CompuServe has traditionally

been geared more toward business, rather than consumer Internet access.

Heddendorp the divided business strategy works well to promote both brands.

“Our flagship AOL Germany service reaches the broad mass market, which sets

great store by simplicity, abundant communications solutions and

comprehensive content,” Heddendorp said.

Along with the innovative pricing plan, Heddendorp sees CSO’s close

association with the CompuServe portal as a key feature that would further

distinguish CompuServeOffice from its competitors in the ISP market.

“With an incomparable staff, AOL Germany employs Germany’s largest online

editorial office.” Heddendorp said. “CSO users will benefit directly from

this one-of-a-kind expertise.”

Until now, the price policies of many ISPs have forced Internet users to

save their Internet access for non-daytime hours. Additional offers

focusing on daytime services is just what AOL needed to spur the

development business-to-business services in the region.

Rvsger said the German online business community should be permitted to

reap all the benefits that inexpensive Internet access can offer.

“People wishing to efficiently use the Internet as an information resource

and communication medium, should be able to do so when they most need it,

during the day, not at night,” Rvsger said.

He added that the new pricing scheme is available without any additional

telephone, dial-up or basic fees, and without a minimum use requirement.

Rvsger said because CompuServeOffice works with open Internet standards, it

can be accessed with any operating system including Windows, Mac, Linux,

and OS2, as well as a variety of different platforms for wireless devices.

“CSO is designed for efficient Internet use,” Rvsger said. “For people who

want fast, informative and effective access. Such as freelancers who need a

low-cost and solid Internet access that they can use anywhere and at any


Registered CSO subscribers receive the reduced daytime rate plan, an e-mail address, Netscape

Communicator 4.7 browser, and free 20 MB of ebspace for their personal


Its initial ad campaign declares that nighttime Internet access is oven in

Germany. “No More Nightshifts!” is CompuServe’s motto for the marketing

campaign surrounding the CSO launch in the German marketplace.

AOL Europe is a joint venture between America

Online, Inc. (AOL)

and German media giant Bertelsmann

AG. The German company announced in March that it planned to sell its

stake in AOL Europe and AOL Australia to America Online.

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