Telecommunications provider Mannesmann Arcor Monday said that it will be offering a flat rate fee of 149 Marks ($75) from January 1.
Internet access will be available via Arcor Online. Connection fees and will be available in the Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Cologne, D|sseldorf, Hannover, Essen, Nuremberg and Stuttgart areas by the new year.
A further 30 towns should be able to profit from unlimited Internet access as the service is extended over the course of the
The service does not require an initial registration.
The flat-rate offer will be by far the cheapest on offer in the whole of
Germany, and will contain two email addresses and ten megabytes of storage
space for homepages. Arcor intends to double
the connection rate by DSL “early in 2000” – whilst sticking to the same flat-rate price.