Community Storefronts Program Expands

Industry Canada expanded its Community Storefronts
–an Internet commerce demonstration project for hundreds of
small businesses and many non-profit organizations.

The safe shopping site offers consumers a wide range of goods and services,
from professional services to original art. It is reportedly one of the
safest ways of using a credit card online in Canada.

Community Storefronts claims to be the only national Internet commerce
small business demonstration project in the OECD member countries, which
provides businesses a chance to participate and learn by doing and share
their story.

Using one of Canada’s most secure credit card payment technologies,
consumers can shop and donate online with a high degree of safely. Card
information is transmitted from the online merchant’s Web site to the bank,
on a private and closed connection.

The card is validated and the money is transferred to the merchant’s bank
account by the next business day, while sending the client a receipt

For a special price, participants have been invited to use TouchLink secure
real-time credit card payment tools, in exchange for sharing public
testimonials of their strategies, lessons learned and results.

The government’s goal is to encourage small business to review these
results and adopt successful Internet commerce strategies.

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