To celebrate the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s first close above 10,000, online broker E*TRADE Group Inc. Tuesday is offering its customers commission-free trading on all 30 stocks
that make up the index.
E*TRADE customers can trade free of charge all 30 stocks that comprise the Dow Jones
Industrial Average all day Tuesday. Commissions will be credited to customer accounts for
any market or day limit orders
for DJIA 30 stocks. Customers can place up to 100 trades in Dow stocks Tuesday, with no maximum share limit.
“We’re proud of E*TRADE’s role in empowering individual investors to participate in the amazing rise of the Dow and the rest of U.S. stock market in recent years,” said Jerry
Gramaglia, E*TRADE’s senior vice president of
sales and marketing.
“We want to celebrate with our customers
and thank them for making
Destination E*TRADE one of the most popular investing and financial
services sites on the Web.”
The company stressed that this offer does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation to buy or
sell the securities making up the Dow. More information about the promotion is available