Go2Net Inc. Friday acquired IQC.com for approximately $20 million in stock in an effort to boost its financial information suite.
IQC.com will be integrated into to Go2Net’s Silicon Investor and its entire line of financial analysis, discussion and charting services.
IQC’s IQ chart service, which continuously monitors market indices and individual company performances, will be among the services added to Silicon Investor. IQ chart’s stock locator, technical stock scan and proprietary stock indicator IQC Zone are included in the deal as well.
“This is a significant step in establishing Silicon Investor as the Web’s destination
of choice for sophisticated investors, adding some of the most timely and technically advanced financial research capabilities available anywhere,” said Russell C. Horowitz, Go2Net’s chief executive officer.
“The number one request for product improvement related to Silicon Investor has been for comprehensive financial charting and equity tracking opportunities. We believe Silicon Investor’s
loyal base of users will find tremendous value and utility in what IQC brings.”
Web directory Go2Net is a network of personal finance, search, commerce, and game Web sites. The company also develops Web-related software.