Apple and Google’s growing competition is being played out in the merger & acquisition space, which means it’s a great time right now to be a start-up with an idea either or both companies wants. There’s almost an acquisition a week these days between the two, with BumpTop the latest winner in the M&A lottery.
BumpTop makes 3D user interface software. Where could a search engine company use that? A better question is where couldn’t Google use a 3D interface. Chrome, Chrome OS and Android come immediately to mine, along with Earth, Apps and a bunch of other Google services. So what are Google’s plans? Datamation gets the story.
Google has confirmed that it quietly purchased 3D user interface software company BumpTop last month, an acquisition that has industry watchers anxious to see how the buy fits into Google’s businesses — particularly its Android mobile and Chrome operating system efforts.
BumpTop’s software replaces the traditional Mac or Windows desktop with a slick, 3D interface, but Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) may be more interested in the leveraging the software for other platforms.