Hongkong Telecom’s MemberNet Services, an
interactive Web-based customer service interface for businesses, has been
nominated for the Computerworld Smithsonian Award in the Business & Related
Services category.
Sponsored by Netscape Communications
Corp., who
also put forward the previous winner in this category, Amazon.com, the award
is granted for outstanding achievement and innovation in the visionary use
of information technology spurring positive social, economic and educational
MemberNet Services is a free service offered initially as part of Hongkong
Telecom’s customer loyalty program for large corporations.
The company expects to roll out some of the applications developed for
MemberNet Services to its full base of three million customers beginning later
this year.
“Recognizing the importance of including consumer’s needs and preferences in
the marketing mix, Hongkong Telecom started to develop MemberNet Services
when we realized that Internet technology was the key to providing a new
level of customer service,” said Marisa Leung, Hongkong Telecom’s director
of Corporate Marketing.
Past nominees for the Computerworld Smithsonian Award include Yahoo!, Lucent
Technologies and Microsoft.
All nominations become part of the Smithsonian Institution’s ongoing record of
technology innovation.