Hongkong Telecom Picks INTELSAT For Internet Link

Hongkong Telecom has leased capacity on US firm INTELSAT’s 702 satellite for an Internet backbone link.

The Asian telecom will use a 45 mbps channel on the satellite for carrying data from the United States to Hong Kong and a cable link for data going the other way.

According to Joseph Ma, Hongkong Telecoms director of international market development, the telecom carried out extensive tests with INTELSATs satellites and found that the reliability level of them exceed “99.99 percent.”

“This satellite link complements our existing extensive cable network. More important, it provides a cost-effective solution for customers with asymmetrical traffic flow, which is typical for Internet service,” said Ma.

“As the US-Hong Kong route registers the highest traffic volume among all incoming Internet paths, this new satellite lease shows our commitment to catering for the ever-increasing needs of Internet service providers,” continued Ma.

The satellite lease is cheaper than a direct cable link for Hongkong Telecom, which will have predominantly more Internet traffic coming from the US than return traffic.

“The hybrid link with Hongkong Telecom is an example of the flexibility which the INTELSAT system brings to the Internet world,” added Yao Gao, INTELSATs regional director for Asia.

In early December 1998, INTELSAT closed a deal with China Telecom for an 8 mbps link from the China to the US and a 45 mbps return link on the same 702 satellite.

“The Internet is our fastest growing service with customers in more than 80 countries,” said Yao.

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