[Sydney, Australia, May 25, 2000] – Global computer manufacturer Hewlett-Packard (HP) will further its input
into local Web and e-commerce application development, after signing a
strategic business and technology agreement with Melbourne firm MultiEmedia.com.
Under the partnership, HP will introduce business opportunities to the
Melbourne Internet technology developer to help enhance its skills in areas
such as Web development, portal creation and application development.
MultiEmedia will also use HP’s e-service experience to keep it informed
of latest trends and solutions it can offer clients. The developer will
offer solutions based on HP’s networking infrastructure products, services
and knowledge base, and will incorporate HP’s NT and Unix server technology
as a preferred platform.
In return, MultiEmedia will include HP in future business opportunities,
giving the manufacturer first right of refusal to participate in projects.
According to MultiEmedia chief executive officer Ian McRae, the
partnership will fortify the developer’s e-commerce foundation. “HP
provides a broad e-services strategy, tool set and infrastructure model to
support the growth of MultiEmedia’s e-commerce business,” he said.