The Internet Corp.
for Assigned Names and Numbers Tuesday posted guidelines for groups
seeking supporting organization recognition.
Supporting organizations include regional Internet address registries and
others with legitimate interest in domain name issues. ICANN’s bylaws allow
the body to delegate substantial policy development to the supporting
organizations. ICANN has taken the view that puting the decisions closer to
Internet professionals will produce better results and better working
Supporting organizations formally recognized by ICANN will be able to
nominate additional members to ICANN’s board of directors.
The guidelines are
available on the ICANN Web site. Applications must be submited by Feb. 5,
1999. The applications will be reviewed at the open session of the ICANN
board meeting in Singapore on March 3, 1999. Applications can be previewed
and commented on via the Web site.
The bylaws initially seek an address supporting organization, a domain
name supporting organization and a protocol supporting organization. Each
group will nominate directors to the board.
“We want to clarify and expedite the process of forming the supporting
organizations called for in the bylaws,” said Michael Roberts, ICANN’s
interim president and chief executive officer.