The Toronto-based Institute of Professional Webmasters, a non-profit association “committed to excellence in the Web profession,” has renamed itself The Association of Web Professionals.
The newly appointed Executive Director is Dennis Kwasnicki, who announced the
new name accompanied by a new mission statement this week.
“Our mission is to be the industry-recognized association and certification body dedicated to enhancing the value and credibility of Web professionals through ongoing development and communication of standards, a code of ethics and professional development,” said Kwasnicki.
Thirty-seven corporations and myriad volunteers have contributed their time
and financial resources to help establish this Association. Sponsoring
corporations include Apple Canada, AT&T, Hewlett Packard, IBM, mbanx,
Microsoft, Oracle, WebTV, Onyx Interactive, Nortel, Bell Canada, CIBC, and others.
The companies support the association’s goals to establish and maintain
competency standards for Web professionals.
The association will launch certification programs this June. The first such
designation will be “Certified Web Technician” followed by certification
programs leading to “Certified Web Designer” and “Certified Web Manager.”
The Association is managed by a Board of Directors that includes
representatives from Ernst and Young, IBM, Open Market, Netstar Interactive,
The Cohen Group, Microsoft Canada, mbanx, AT&T, Onyx Interactive, Informix,
Novell, Apple Canada, Canoe, WebTV, Oracle, Netscape, CIBC, Mentors Inc.,
and Athabasca University.