Mid-Term Report Cards Show Most Internet Sectors Flunking

NOTE: Rather than focusing on the weekly performance of ‘Net stocks, this week’s Internet StockTracker focuses on the year-to-date performances of nearly 400 Internet stocks across 13 Internet sectors. To have Internet StockTracker delivered to you as a free weekly e-mail text newsletter, clickhere.

We all know that Internet stocks suffered a meltdown this spring after several months of torrid gains. But even with that knowledge, the numbers below are hard to comprehend.

For starters, five of our 13 sectors lost more than 50% of their value this year through June. Let me emphasize: I’m not talking about stocks dropping 50% or more from their peak prices in early March. No, the dismal figures you see in this week’s StockTracker take into account the big run-up in ‘Net stocks that lasted for most of Q1.

Out of 13 sectors, only two — Wireless Products/Services and Security — are up through Q2. And we may have only the hackers to thank for the latter, since shares in several security vendors climbed after two separate waves of hacker attacks on Internet properties and e-mail networks.

On the other end of the list, E-tailers on average have lost nearly two-thirds of their value this year, with Content/Communities close behind. What can we expect from each sector in the second half? Read on…

ONE MORE NOTE: Many of the stocks listed below have no percentage figures for YTD. That’s because they didn’t go public until this year, and thus could not be included in the YTD sector averages. But as you can see from the 3-month averages of some of these stocks, their inclusion wouldn’t brighten the picture a whole lot.

Market Cap figure is in millions of dollars unless otherwise noted.

                              Ave. YTD
                              % Change

Wireless Products/Services     +22.5%
Security                       +13.6%
Speed/Bandwidth                 -9.9%
Consultants/Designers          -29.8%
Performance Software           -30.4% 
Internet Services              -38.5%
ISPs/Access Providers          -41.6%  
E-commerce Enablers            -48.6%
Search/Portals                 -50.1%
Financial Services             -54.4%
Advertising/Marketing          -54.7% 
Content/Communities            -62.1%
E-tailers                      -64.9%

TOP 10 GAINERS               YTD % Gain    Category

AETH   Aether Systems          186.2%      Wireless Products/Services
GENI   GenesisIntermedia       181.5%      Consultants/Designers
JNPR   Juniper Networks        161.7%      Speed/Bandwidth
DLK    Datalink.net            141.4%      Wireless Products/Services
TIBX   Tibco Software          114.2%      Performance Software
CHKP   Check Point Software    113.1%      Security
TERN   Terayon                 108.4%      Speed/Bandwidth
WGRD   WatchGuard               85.0%      Security
IDTC   IDT                      83.2%      ISPs/Access Providers
BRCM   Broadcom                 63.8%      Speed/Bandwidth

TOP 10 LOSERS                YTD % Loss    Category
TCTY   Talk City               -93.9%      Content/Communities
INSW   InsWeb                  -91.5%      E-tailers
ESTM   E-Stamp                 -91.4%      E-tailers
PLRX   PlanetRx.com            -89.5%      E-tailers
ROWE   Rowecom                 -88.9%      E-Commerce Enablers
FSHP   FreeShop.com            -87.4%      Advertising/Marketing
PFSW   PFSweb                  -87.3%      E-Commerce Enablers
PASA   quepasa.com             -87.0%      Content/Communities
EGRT   Egreetings              -86.2%      Internet Services
BGST   BigStar                 -86.0%      E-tailers


                          WIRELESS PRODUCTS/SERVICES

                        6/30      YTD     3-mo.    Market  

any         $Close   %Change  %Change   Cap. $ 
AETH   Aether Systems  205.00   186.2%     12.9%     7.8B
DLK    Datalink.net     13.13   141.4%    -58.8%   104.2
INSP   Infospace        55.25     3.3%    -24.0%    12.7B
GWRX   Geoworks         15.75    -6.0%    112.7%   293.2
PHCM   Phone.com        65.13   -43.8%    -60.1%     5.1B  
PUMA   Puma Tech.       26.81   -58.9%    -47.0%     1.1B
MCOM   Metricom         27.88   -64.5%    -39.9%   870.9 
IWAV   interWAVE        14.00     N/A     -53.5%   651.9
PALM   Palm             33.38     N/A     -25.6%    18.7B
PRTH   Parthus Tech.    28.50     N/A       N/A     14.7B
SVNX   724 Solutions    43.88     N/A     -64.8%     1.6B
HAND   Handspring       27.00     N/A       N/A      3.4B
GOAM   GoAmerica        15.44     N/A       N/A    728.8
IIIM   i3 Mobile        18.38     N/A       N/A    522.6
       Wireless Ave.             22.5%

Internet StockTracker’s newest sector features the top-performing stock among all ‘Net tickers, wireless information and transaction services provider Aether Systems, which has nearly tripled in price since Dec. 31. Despite being dragged down by the steep tech market decline, this is the hottest of all sectors among
‘Net investors and should remain so for the rest of the year. Lots of new blood (half of the companies here went public this year) will keep interest and enthusiasm high.


                         6/30      YTD     3-mo.   Market  
       Company          $Close   %Change  %Change  Cap. $ 

LOOK   LookSmart         18.50   -30.2%   -58.1%     1.7B
LCOS   Lycos             54.00   -30.9%   -16.2%     6.0B           
AOL    America Online    52.88   -31.3%   -18.7%   121.5B
YHOO   Yahoo!           123.88   -41.7%   -26.9%    67.3B
CHINA  Chinadotcom       20.44   -47.0%   -48.8%     1.7B
GO     Go.com            11.92   -48.9%   -39.6%     1.9B
STRM   StarMedia         18.88   -52.0%   -37.6%     1.2B
BOUT   About.com         31.50   -64.2%   -61.6%   558.3
GOTO   GoTo.com          15.31   -73.4%   -65.8%   751.1
ASKJ   Ask Jeeves        18.06   -83.7%   -72.2%   643.5
SINA   SINA.com          25.63     N/A      N/A      1.0B
       Search/Portals Ave.       -50.1%         

A sector given to wild price swings from week to week, Search/Portals will look markedly different by year’s end. Lycos will disappear after its acquisition by Spain’s Terra Networks, AOL may not even be classified as an Internet company once its merger with entertainment industry giant Time Warner is complete, and Ask Jeeves is (rightfully, as I’ve been saying for some time) doomed.


                          6/30     YTD     3-mo.   Market  
       Company           $Close  %Change  %Change  Cap. $ 

HOOV   Hoover's           6.75   -21.4%   -38.6%    87.7
MLTX   Multex.com        25.19   -31.8%   -16.7%   763.1
INFO   Infonautics        4.38   -36.3%   -48.5%    53.3
QKKA   Quokka Sports      8.03   -37.7%   -29.8%   357.6
GNET   Go2Net            50.31   -41.1%   -39.3%     1.6B
ONES   OneSource          7.50   -43.1%   -13.0%    86.9
MKTW   MarketWatch.com   18.81   -47.5%   -45.3%   265.6
CBDR   CareerBuilder      3.31   -47.6%   -17.2%    78.9
LAUN   Launch Media       9.25   -50.2%   -40.8%   125.0
KNOT   Knot               3.81   -54.0%   -45.5%    55.6
VERT   VerticalNet       36.94   -54.1%   -51.1%     3.0B
EDGR   EDGAR Online       3.31   -54.2%   -65.6%    41.3
CNET   CNET Networks     24.56   -55.9%   -50.9%     2.1B
ZDZ    ZDNet              9.00   -56.3%   -61.2%   677.6
MPPP   MP3.com           13.56   -56.4%   -32.8%   923.0
IVIL   iVillage           8.44   -57.6%   -49.1%   250.4
HCEN   HealthCentral.co

m  3.00   -58.2%   -44.8%    68.1
HOMS   Homestore.com     29.19   -60.0%   -35.1%     2.4B
INTM   internet.com      19.69   -61.6%   -52.6%   493.9
SPLN   SportsLine.com    17.06   -65.3%   -42.6%   449.9
STAD   Student Advantage  7.31   -66.4%   -37.8%   261.5
TPN    TownPagesNet       1.69   -66.4%   -73.0%    16.2
VDAT   Visual Data        3.63   -67.9%   -56.1%    30.7
TSCM   TheStreet.com      5.81   -69.1%   -41.1%   147.5
EWBX   EarthWeb          14.00   -71.7%   -44.7%   147.5
NETR   NetRadio           2.17   -73.2%   -50.4%    21.7
SALN   Salon.com          1.28   -73.9%   -72.3%    16.0
ILIF   ilife.com          1.13   -74.5%   -67.3%    15.7
NTVN   Netivation.Com     1.38   -75.6%   -75.6%    15.0
TURF   iTurf              2.88   -76.5%   -72.5%    60.7
LOIS   Loislaw.com        8.56   -77.7%   -56.9%   179.7
TGLO   theglobe.com       1.72   -79.1%   -75.0%    52.4
NBCI   NBC Internet      12.50   -83.5%   -70.9%   761.2
KOOP   drkoop.com         1.84   -84.2%   -70.5%    64.0
WOMN   Women.com          2.06   -85.3%   -77.2%    96.4
PASA   quepasa.com        1.63   -87.0%   -69.8%    30.6
TCTY   Talk City          1.56   -93.9%   -74.0%    39.0
ARTD   Artistdirect       3.13     N/A    -55.0%   115.5
IASIA  Asiacontent.com    3.81     N/A      N/A    130.9
DTHK   DigitalThink      35.88     N/A    -14.1%     1.2B
HGAT   HealthGate         1.63     N/A    -72.9%    29.0
HSTM   HealthStream       5.50     N/A      N/A    107.2
IMPV   ImproveNet         2.50     N/A    -64.3%    41.8
SNOW   Snowball.com       4.88     N/A    -52.7%   183.2
SWBD   Switchboard       10.00     N/A    -67.7%   246.4
       Content/Comm. Ave.        -62.1%         

If the Content/Communities and E-tailer sectors were dinosaurs, then the spring stocks plunge was the natural
disaster that ensured their doom. Not a gainer to be found out of 37 stocks that were trading at the beginning
of the year. The only survivors here will be those companies that target niche, rather than general,
audiences and evolve their revenue models beyond online advertising. In other words, they have to better monetize their traffic. Most will fail to do so.


                         6/30     YTD     3-mo.   Market  
       Company          $Close  %Change  %Change  Cap. $ 
CTIX   Cheap Tickets    12.00   -10.7%   -12.3%   290.4
EBAY   eBay             54.31   -11.6%   -47.6%    14.3B
PCLN   priceline.com    37.98   -18.3%   -53.2%     6.5B
ALOY   Alloy Online     11.25   -27.2%   -32.8%   198.3
EBKR   Ebookers.com      8.75   -48.5%   -64.3%   149.0
COOL   Cyberian Outpost  4.81   -50.7%   -42.1%   137.0
AMZN   Amazon.com       36.31   -51.4%   -45.4%    12.8B
FASH   Fashionmall.com   2.09   -51.9%   -39.1%    15.7
AMEN   Crosswalk.com     2.38   -52.8%   -39.7%    18.3
BNBN   Barnes&Noble.com  6.53   -53.1%   -29.9%   952.5
EFTD   FTD.COM           2.38   -53.9%   -19.2%   112.3
EXPE   Expedia          14.81   -56.9%   -38.9%   656.7
TMCS   Ticketmaster     15.94   -57.8%   -36.4%     1.4B
PPOD   Peapod            3.03   -64.2%    -6.7%    54.4
HITS   Musicmaker.com    1.94   -66.4%   -50.0%    64.2
CDNW   CDnow             3.09   -68.1%   -18.9%   101.5
ADBL   Audible           4.16   -71.8%   -58.4%   113.8
GDEN   Garden.com        2.38   -72.2%   -75.2%    41.8
FATB   Fatbrain.com      6.59   -73.2%   -44.5%    85.8
AHWY   audiohighway.com  2.25   -73.2%   -65.4%    14.4
ASFD   Ashford.com       2.88   -73.4%   -41.8%   129.3
SKDS   SmarterKids.com   1.84   -74.1%   -54.6%    37.7
ETYS   eToys             6.34   -75.4%   -33.2%   771.2
TIXX   Tickets.com       3.41   -75.8%   -60.5%   198.4
EMUS   EMusic.com        2.38   -76.4%   -59.1%   101.8
VUSA   Value America     1.09   -78.0%   -68.7%    49.7
BFLY   Bluefly           2.19   -78.4%   -76.7%

DSCM   Drugstore.com     7.53   -78.8%   -40.9%   392.9
EGGS   Egghead.com       2.94   -81.5%   -57.3%   118.4
BYND   Beyond.com        1.34   -82.5%   -72.1%    51.1
VSHP   VitaminShoppe.com 1.31   -85.3%   -65.0%    26.7
SQST   SciQuest.com     11.44   -85.3%   -58.0%   324.6
BGST   BigStar           1.06   -86.0%   -70.2%    10.8
PLRX   PlanetRx.com      1.50   -89.5%   -78.9%    77.7
ESTM   E-Stamp           1.88   -91.4%   -74.4%    73.4
INSW   InsWeb            2.13   -91.5%   -80.0%    74.7
BUYX   BUY.COM           5.03     N/A    -49.1%   662.2
HOMG   HomeGrocer.com    6.03     N/A    -39.7%   773.4
ROOM   Hotel Network    29.75     N/A     65.3%     1.6B
LMIN   Lastminute.com   15.06     N/A    -19.7%   452.9
IPET   Pets.com          2.25     N/A    -51.4%    66.6
VSTY   Varsity Group     1.44     N/A    -58.9%    22.6
       E-tailers Ave.           -64.9%      

What can you say about this sorry group? Of all these companies, I believe only eBay is a sure bet to thrive.
I give a fighting chance to priceline.com and eToys, and will reserve judgment on Ticketmaster Online-CitySearch, Cheap Tickets and Hotel Reservations Network, which have fewer inventory costs. You can say goodbye to just about everyone else, including Amazon.com.

                          FINANCIAL SERVICES 

                          6/30     YTD     3-mo.   Market  
       Company           $Close  %Change  %Change  Cap. $ 
ECMV   E Com Ventures     2.56   -22.6%   -49.4%    25.1
NTBK   Net.B@nk          12.44   -31.5%     1.5%   372.9
EGRP   E*TRADE           16.50   -35.7%   -42.7%     4.8B
WITC   Wit Soundview     10.73   -35.7%   -35.9%   966.9
AMTD   Ameritrade        11.63   -45.4%   -47.0%     2.0B
DIR    DLJdirect          7.13   -46.5%   -43.0%   731.4
LINE   onlinetrading.com  5.13   -52.0%   -24.1%    58.8
CMGI   CMGI              45.81   -66.3%   -58.2%    13.5B
NXCD   NextCard           8.50   -70.0%   -46.0%   448.9
EELN   E-LOAN             4.75   -70.2%   -40.9%   200.1
MDCM   Mortgage.com       1.50   -73.7%   -44.8%    66.4
ICGE   Internet Capital  37.02   -77.8%   -60.4%     9.8B
WEBS   Web Street         2.50   -79.4%   -70.8%    64.3
TREE   LendingTree        7.50     N/A    -48.1%   135.2
       Financial Services Ave.   -54.4%     

There’s a lot of pressure on this sector from bricks ‘n mortar financial services providers such as Merrill Lynch and Fidelity. The fevered grab for customers has caused intense pricing pressure for online brokers, while loan processors such as LendingTree and credit card dispensers such as NextCard are in businesses with low barriers to entry. Lots of consolidation in the future for this group.

                            E-COMMERCE ENABLERS
                         6/30      YTD     3-mo.   Market  
       Company          $Close   %Change  %Change  Cap. $ 

ARTG   Art Technology   100.94    60.5%    60.2%     6.7B
ARBA   Ariba             98.06    12.6%   -10.9%    23.1B
QSFT   Quest Software    55.38    10.6%    -5.7%     4.7B
ITWO   i2 Technologies  104.27     8.9%   -19.2%    16.6B
EPAY   Bottomline Tech.  34.19    -3.3%    -7.8%   371.5
DGIN   Digital Insight   34.00    -4.8%   -41.4%   790.7
BVSN   BroadVision       50.81    -8.7%    -0.4%    12.7B
ASWX   Active Software   77.69   -14.0%     9.5%     2.0B
APNT   AppNet            36.00   -16.2%   -22.0%     1.2B
PRSW   Persistence       18.13   -17.9%    -8.5%   353.6
CYSV   Cysive            23.88   -32.5%   -40.9%   661.8
AGIL   Agile Software    70.69   -33.7%    -5.9%     3.3B
BBSW   Broadbase         30.63   -44.5%   -24.2%     1.4B
CYCH   CyberCash          4.75   -47.7%   -60.4%   117.8
GSPT   Global Sports      6.44   -47.8%   -66.1%   139.7

PNY   E.piphany        107.19   -51.1%   -27.8%     4.7B
CMRC   Commerce One      45.38   -53.0%   -47.6%     7.1B
RETK   Retek             32.00   -56.7%   -31.7%     1.5B
ABTL   Autobytel.com      6.16   -58.7%   -21.8%   124.4
ORCC   Online Resources   6.44   -60.6%   -62.1%    76.4
NETP   Net Perceptions   15.88   -61.5%   -57.7%   423.1
HCOM   HomeCom            1.16   -63.1%   -66.4%     9.5
LQID   Liquid Audio       9.47   -63.3%   -40.8%   209.0
TANN   Tanning Tech.     19.25   -66.7%   -46.9%   398.2
CLIC   Calico Commerce   16.25   -68.8%   -53.4%   545.5
OMKT   Open Market       13.81   -68.8%   -51.5%   639.1
USIT   U.S. Interactive  12.94   -69.3%   -56.8%   343.1
PPRO   PurchasePro.com   41.00   -69.6%   -54.2%     1.4B
BRNC   Braun Consulting  21.13   -69.9%   -29.6%   421.6
CYBS   CyberSource       13.81   -72.8%   -57.0%   358.2
INTW   InterWorld        20.50   -75.5%   -63.1%   579.3
DRIV   Digital River      7.69   -76.5%   -68.5%   167.9
ELCO   Elcom Int.         6.88   -79.4%   -55.5%   211.1
ITRA   Intraware         16.06   -79.5%   -61.8%   418.4
PRVW   Preview Systems   13.00   -79.6%   -70.8%   220.0
AWEB   Autoweb.com        2.13   -80.1%   -71.4%    62.5
QUOT   Quotesmith.com     2.16   -80.7%   -61.7%    41.5
PCOR   pcOrder.com        7.75   -84.5%   -66.8%   130.4
PFSW   PFSweb             4.69   -87.3%   -74.0%    83.8
ROWE   Rowecom            4.94   -88.9%   -70.0%    51.0
CORI   Corillian         16.63     N/A      N/A    490.9
FAIM   FairMarket         7.06     N/A    -71.2%   198.8
FIRE   FirePond          36.00     N/A    -25.5%     1.3B
IMPV   ImproveNet         2.50     N/A    -64.3%    41.8
NEOF   Neoforma.com       7.03     N/A    -64.6%   485.8
ONVI   Onvia.com          8.63     N/A    -60.9%   694.5
OPUS   Opus360            3.69     N/A      N/A    184.7
PRTS   PartsBase.com      5.50     N/A    -43.6%    81.4
SABA   Saba Software     21.00     N/A      N/A    915.3
SLTC   Selectica         70.06     N/A    -22.6%     2.5B
STCS   Software Tech.    30.69     N/A      N/A      2.1B
SNHK   Sunhawk.com       16.13     N/A     -7.9%    48.5
XCAR   XCare.net          5.38     N/A    -62.3%    87.3
BTBC   b2bstores.com      2.56     N/A    -74.4%    22.1
WEBM   webMethods       157.19     N/A    -32.7%     5.1B
       E-commerce Enablers Ave.  -48.6%         

After three straight shutouts, it’s nice to see another sector with some stocks that are up. Art Technology Group just misses the list of top 10 YTD gainers. Many of the eventual winners in this sector — ATG, i2 Technologies, Ariba — are at the top of the list. Some companies will disappear from the group, but probably not until next year, since most don’t face the cash crunch that has plagued e-tailers and content players. Look for a decent second half of 2000 from this sector, as the strong companies recover.

                       6/30     YTD     3-mo.    Market  
       Company        $Close  %Change  %Change   Cap. $ 
CHKP   Check Point    211.75   117.1%    24.9%    16.3B
WGRD   WatchGuard      54.94    85.0%   -33.2%     1.3B
ISSX   ISS Group       98.73    41.4%    -9.4%     4.1B
ENTU   Entrust Tech.   82.75    40.6%    -2.4%     4.4B
AXNT   AXENT           24.81    20.4%    33.7%   714.7
LTNX   Litronic         8.81    12.2%   -51.0%    87.1
RSAS   RSA Security    69.25    -9.0%    24.8%     2.7B
VONE   V-ONE            5.00   -13.3%    -3.6%   103.2
PILT   Pilot Network   14.88   -36.9%   -50.4%   220.5
NSSI   Network-1        6.00   -43.5%   -54.7%    36.9
ITRU   InterTrust      20.56   -64.4%   -54.2%     1.7B
       Security Ave.           +13.6%   

If more hackers used their powers for good instead of cyber-mischief, t

his group would be hurting. But as long
as danger flourishes on the ‘Net, many of the companies here will continue to do well. This sector has already
undergone some consolidation — hence the high percentage of billion-dollar caps, which should reduce turbulence. Look for strong performances in Q3 and Q4.

                         PERFORMANCE SOFTWARE

                         6/30      YTD     3-mo.   Market  
       Company          $Close   %Change  %Change  Cap. $ 

TIBX   Tibco Software   107.25   114.2%    22.6%    20.2B
VOCL   VocalTec          23.00    39.9%   -27.0%   278.1
SWCM   Software.com     129.88    37.8%     1.4%     6.2B
PRSF   Portal Software   63.88    26.5%    16.1%    10.3B
OTEX   Open Text         21.50    21.7%   -30.6%   433.9
PKSI   Primus Knowledge  45.00     1.2%   -43.6%   794.4
VIGN   Vignette          52.03    -2.5%   -12.3%    10.0B
WEBT   WebTrends         38.69    -2.7%   -36.3%     1.0B
CLRN   Clarent Corp.     71.50    -6.3%   -22.1%     2.3B
IPIX   Internet Pict.    15.13    -7.0%   -55.5%   893.6
IWOV   Interwoven       110.00    -7.9%    -3.0%     2.7B
RNWK   RealNetworks      50.56   -14.4%   -14.6%     7.8B
SPYG   Spyglass          31.31   -15.9%   -58.5%   544.9
DGV    Digital Lava       5.75   -16.3%   -58.6%    26.9
NTOP   Net2Phone         35.69   -20.9%   -35.6%     2.0B
FVCX   FVC.com            7.75   -32.5%   -54.4%   133.3
RWAV   Rogue Wave         4.88   -37.9%   -37.1%    52.7
BWEB   BackWeb           22.88   -44.7%   -29.6%   849.9
COBT   Cobalt Networks   57.88   -45.6%    12.4%     1.6B
ALLR   Allaire           36.75   -48.8%   -46.5%   993.6
PASW   Pacific Softworks  2.81   -49.6%   -60.2%    12.7
SSSW   SilverStream      57.75   -50.6%    -3.0%     1.2B
NESY   NEON Systems      18.75   -51.3%   -38.1%   176.8
SGNT   Sagent Tech.      14.25   -51.5%   -56.0%   402.1
NSPK   NetSpeak           9.88   -52.7%   -50.0%   136.5
VIAD   Viador            15.88   -61.8%   -67.9%   265.3
IMAN   iManage            9.94   -68.5%   -41.5%   218.3
SONE   S1 Corp.          23.31   -69.6%   -72.5%     1.3B
GTHR   GetThere.com      10.56   -73.3%   -31.9%   353.1
RHAT   Red Hat           27.06   -73.9%   -32.8%     4.2B
LBRT   Liberate Tech.    29.31   -76.8%   -59.3%     2.6B
BLSW   Bluestone         25.69   -77.2%   -31.1%   524.2
TMNT   Telemate.Net       3.19   -80.0%   -74.7%    24.6
WAVO   WAVO               0.75   -80.3%   -83.6%    22.2
INSO   Inso Corp.         5.19   -83.6%   -61.2%    87.5
CTRA   Centra Software    9.50     N/A    -57.3%   229.3
DTEC   Delano Tech.      12.13     N/A    -49.3%   363.4
EMBT   Embarcadero       29.38     N/A      N/A    773.2
EPRS   Eprise Corp.      16.44     N/A      4.4%   412.8
EXTN   Extensity         34.25     N/A    -34.8%   809.1
LOUD   Loudeye Tech.     17.44     N/A    -48.9%   641.6
MONE   MatrixOne         40.63     N/A     -7.1%     1.7B
OTGS   OTG Software      28.56     N/A    -26.3%   728.1
SQSW   Sequoia Software  16.38     N/A      N/A    487.2
VMDC   VantageMed         1.81     N/A    -54.0%    15.6
VATA   Versata           40.31     N/A    -32.7%     1.6B
WBSN   Websense          25.13     N/A    -38.0%   490.2
NTGX   net.Genesis       18.06     N/A    -50.3%   380.4
       Performance Software Ave. -30.4%     

It’s tough to get a handle on this sector, since it is comprised of a hodge-podge of companies targeting vastly different customer bases. There are Linux companies, traffic analysis providers, streaming multimedia
software vendors, application tools developers…you get the idea. I like RealNetworks, Portal Software,
Net2Phone, Allaire and Tibco. After that, it’s anyone’s guess.

                           INTERNET SERVICES 

                          6/30      YTD     3-mo.   Market  
       Company           $Close   %Change  %Change  Cap. $        

  iBasis             43.06    52.6%    -2.1%     1.5B
CAVN   Cavion Tech.       10.25    34.7%   -39.7%    50.9
ITXC   ITXC               35.41     7.3%   -25.3%     1.4B
EXDS   Exodus             46.06     5.7%   -36.0%    19.0B
DIGX   Digex              67.94     0.7%   -41.4%     4.3B
KEYN   Keynote Systems    70.56    -2.5%   -28.7%     1.9B
VRSN   VeriSign          176.50    -5.8%    16.1%    20.4B
INIT   Interliant         23.31    -8.7%   -21.6%     1.1B
NAVI   NaviSite           41.81   -14.8%   -40.4%     2.4B
HHNT   HeadHunter.NET     10.13   -17.9%   -42.1%   110.5
JPTR   Jupiter Comm.      23.00   -22.5%     9.5%   355.5
SAPE   Sapient           106.94   -22.7%    31.4%     6.3B
BWAY   Breakaway Sol.     27.00   -24.6%   -38.0%   952.6
NVDC   Navidec             8.88   -24.7%   -35.5%    98.1
CTCH   CommTouch          32.50   -31.8%   -23.9%   494.0
ACRU   Accrue Software    35.50   -33.2%   -16.5%   880.5
CPTH   Critical Path      58.31   -37.1%   -25.2%     3.6B
KANA   Kana Comm.         61.88   -38.5%   -28.1%     5.6B
ECRU   E-Cruiter.com       4.00   -42.8%   -43.9%    29.5
DRTN   Data Return        29.00   -44.8%   -33.9%     1.0B
LIOX   Lionbridge Tech.    9.75   -45.6%   -33.9%   246.1
LFMN   Lifeminders        29.56   -47.9%   -53.8%   699.1
CONV   Convergent          8.00   -48.7%   -28.5%   233.2
MDLI   MedicaLogic         9.25   -55.1%   -48.6%   369.4
USIX   USinternetworking  20.44   -55.3%   -43.4%     2.0B
HLTH   Healtheon/WebMD    14.81   -59.8%   -42.6%     2.7B
CLAI   Claimsnet.com       3.50   -64.3%   -50.4%    27.4
NETZ   Netzee              5.72   -65.0%   -61.9%   124.1
EGAN   eGain              12.13   -67.3%   -66.7%   358.9
HOTJ   HotJobs.com        13.81   -67.8%   -45.1%   440.1
MAIL   Mail.com            5.69   -69.1%   -66.8%   323.1
MRBA   Marimba            13.94   -69.2%   -65.7%   324.9
SRCH   US SEARCH.com       2.00   -72.8%   -58.4%    35.9
JFAX   JFAX.COM            1.59   -75.8%   -67.5%    57.5
NTWO   N2H2                5.00   -78.3%   -62.6%   112.3
STMP   Stamps.com          7.31   -82.1%   -64.3%   357.2
EFAX   eFax.com            1.22   -82.8%   -75.9%    16.1
EGRT   Egreetings          1.38   -86.2%   -76.3%    48.1
CHRD   Chordiant Software 16.63     N/A     -2.2%   609.8
CRFH   Crayfish            7.00     N/A    -82.9%   356.1
ETIN   Etinuum             5.63     N/A    -43.4%   101.1
FUSN   Fusion Networks     2.06     N/A      N/A     56.6
LPSN   LivePerson          8.69     N/A      N/A    255.1
RCOM   Register.com       30.56     N/A    -57.6%   956.0
SVVS   Savvis Comm.       13.06     N/A    -18.0%     1.2B
SKIL   SkillSoft          14.13     N/A    -49.7%   186.9
VCNT   Vicinity           19.63     N/A    -52.1%   551.2
WQNI   WorldQuest          7.13     N/A    -62.7%    45.4
IPRT   iPrint.com          4.91     N/A    -69.3%   146.8
       Internet Services Ave.     -38.5%    

Like Performance Software, this is another broadly defined sector containing multiple business models and markets. I expect the larger companies offering a variety of services to prevail in the long run, snapping up niche players such as JFAX.COM, eFax.com, iPrint.com and Egreetings.


                           6/30      YTD     3-mo.   Market  
       Company            $Close   %Change  %Change  Cap. $ 

NTCR   NetCreations        45.81     6.1%    14.2%   709.9
CBLT   Cobalt Group         6.88   -25.3%   -45.0%   118.6
MMXI   Media Metrix        25.44   -27.5%   -38.0%   504.7
APLN   @Plan.Inc            6.56   -32.3%   -21.6%    73.7
NTRT   NetRatings          25.63   -45.8%     9.3%   825.7
CGLD   CyberGold            9.31   -46.4%   -15.3%   202.3
ENGA   Engage              12.94   -56.1%   -71.9%     2.2B
HPOL   Harris Interactive   4.84   -62.2%   -25.5%   156.4
MPLX   Media

plex           19.31   -68.6%   -62.9%   637.1
DCLK   DoubleClick         38.13   -69.3%   -60.5%     4.7B
NCNT   Netcentives         18.63   -69.6%   -37.9%   773.3
DIGI   Digital Impact      14.13   -71.3%   -55.5%   348.4
TFSM   24/7 Media          15.63   -71.7%   -61.1%   412.6
MYPT   MyPoints.com        18.95   -73.9%   -29.1%   552.1
BFRE   Be Free              9.00   -74.5%   -63.8%   582.7
FSHP   FreeShop.com         5.94   -87.4%   -66.5%    93.0
AVEA   Avenue A             8.81     N/A    -69.9%   512.1
LNTY   L90                 10.50     N/A    -45.1%   230.8
PRME   Prime Response       6.88     N/A    -60.4%   142.0
VCLK   ValueClick          10.25     N/A      N/A    286.6
CSAV   coolsavings.com      6.06     N/A      N/A    234.5
       Advertising/Marketing Ave.  -54.7%         

This is the land of the small-cappers, and as such, will look markedly different as consolidation and evaporation take hold. There simply are too many premium/incentive consumer Web sites here (FreeShop.com, Netcentives, MyPoints.com, etc.) for more than two or three to survive. Media Metrix recently announced a merger with Jupiter Communications, while @plan.inc is looking for a buyer.


                           6/30     YTD     3-mo.   Market  
       Company            $Close  %Change  %Change  Cap. $ 
GENI   GenesisIntermedia  16.06   181.5%    -9.5%    87.0
PRFT   Perficient         14.00    11.9%   -31.7%    85.0
PXCM   Proxicom           47.88   -21.5%     8.3%     2.7B
VIAN   Viant              29.63   -39.0%    -7.8%     1.4B
SCNT   Scient             44.13   -48.0%   -52.2%     3.1B
MMPT   Modem Media        12.44   -64.0%   -63.3%   302.7
ACOM   AGENCY.COM         17.81   -64.4%   -22.6%   628.7
MRCH   marchFirst         18.25   -65.3%   -48.0%     2.7B
RAZF   Razorfish          16.06   -65.6%   -46.5%     1.5B
IIXL   iXL Enterprises    14.50   -73.4%   -54.7%     1.1B
LUMT   Luminant            8.94   -80.0%   -46.6%   235.8
DTAS   Digitas            16.31     N/A    -32.2%   936.8
INFT   Inforte            36.00     N/A    -25.0%   444.3
IISX   Integrated Info.    8.19     N/A    -64.8%   167.5
LNTE   Lante              20.44     N/A    -31.9%   805.3
OGNC   Organic             9.75     N/A    -57.6%   855.7
PECS   PEC Solutions       8.13     N/A      N/A    180.5 
       Consultants/Designers Ave. -29.8%         

Throw out GenesisIntermedia.com, and this sector is down 51% for the year. The Internet consulting market is huge and projected to be get bigger, hence the large percentage of billion-dollar cappers and new entrants here. This is another sector capable of severe price swings. It’s too early to pick the winners in the consulting arena, which makes me leery about making predictions (or bets).


                           6/30     YTD      3-mo.   Market  
       Company            $Close  %Change   %Change  Cap. $ 

JNPR   Juniper Networks   145.56   161.7%     9.0%    45.7B
TERN   Terayon             64.25   108.4%   -39.3%     4.0B
BRCM   Broadcom           218.94    63.8%     3.8%    47.1B
INKT   Inktomi            118.25    35.7%   -33.7%    13.1B
CSCO   Cisco Systems       63.56    20.9%   -13.7%   446.5B
ATON   Alteon WebSystems  100.06    16.2%    18.2%     4.1B
SCMR   Sycamore Networks  110.38     9.5%   -14.8%    27.0B
TUTS   Tut Systems         57.38     9.0%     5.8%   867.9
RAMP   Ramp Networks       11.88   -20.7%   -39.7%   252.6
RDWR   Radware             26.50   -37.4%   -33.1%   410.0
ATHM   At Home             20.75   -50.7%   -37.5%     8.2B
INAP   InterNAP            41.52   -51.1%   -23.1%     5.6B
FFIV   F5 Networks         54.56   -51.2%   -23.2%

CFLO   CacheFlow           61.56   -52.0%   -41.6%     2.2B
COVD   Covad Comm.         16.13   -56.0%   -63.4%     2.4B
PKTR   Packeteer           29.13   -58.2%   -15.9%   789.5
CAIS   CAIS Internet       14.06   -59.6%   -43.3%   323.5
WGAT   WorldGate           17.75   -62.0%   -37.6%   382.5
HSAC   High Speed Access    6.56   -62.1%   -50.9%   365.3
AKAM   Akamai Tech.       118.75   -63.1%   -25.8%    12.4B
SONS   Sonus Networks     157.88     N/A      N/A      9.5B
IBEM   iBEAM               18.00     N/A      N/A      1.9B
       Speed/Bandwidth Ave.         -9.9%         

The infrastructure players have fared well this year relative to most other sectors, and that’s because the market recognizes the eternal need for more bandwidth and better network efficiency. Most of these companies provide that, and most have amassed some heft. Winners will include Inktomi, Broadcom and a plucky underdog named Cisco Systems. A second tier of winners should include F5 Networks and Ramp Networks. Among the large-cap entrants, Akamai and Juniper Networks are the most overvalued.

                            ISPs/ACCESS PROVIDERS

                         6/30     YTD     3-mo.    Market  
       Company          $Close  %Change  %Change   Cap. $ 
IDTC   IDT               33.94    83.2%    -8.9%     1.3B
VRIO   Verio             55.48    22.4%    24.3%     4.4B
VOYN   Voyager.net        8.00   -11.3%   -39.9%   253.2
PSIX   PSINet            25.13   -17.1%   -26.2%     4.0B
BIZZ   Biznessonline.com  5.25   -23.6%   -28.8%    47.5
ONEM   OneMain.com       11.25   -23.6%    -8.6%   282.1
DSLN   DSL.net           10.31   -27.2%   -43.7%   672.7
TRRA   Terra Networks    36.47   -32.1%   -52.8%    10.0B
IIJI   Internet/Japan    59.25   -37.9%   -19.1%     2.7B
ELNK   Earthlink         15.44   -41.5%   -20.1%     1.7B
DDDC   Deltathree.com    14.56   -42.4%   -25.8%   418.2
FREE   Freeserve         50.13   -44.5%   -30.7%     5.8B
ATHY   AppliedTheory     15.00   -44.9%   -34.4%   350.4
ISLD   Digital Island    48.63   -47.9%   -19.0%     3.3B
ZIPL   Ziplink            6.00   -51.1%   -57.3%    77.6
GEEK   Internet America   5.06   -56.3%   -41.3%    49.1
RMII   RMI.Net            3.06   -62.5%   -61.7%    63.9
IGLD   Internet Gold      8.19   -62.5%   -53.9%   150.9
PCNTF  Pacific Internet  15.25   -66.9%   -59.8%   192.8
IZAP   ZapME!             2.75   -67.5%   -64.5%   121.0
JWEB   Juno Online       10.75   -69.2%   -29.5%   416.1
LOAX   Log On America     5.44   -72.6%   -53.5%    45.3
KOREA  Korea Thrunet     14.00   -79.0%   -64.9%   922.9
NZRO   NetZero            5.22   -80.3%   -67.1%   547.1
PNVN   PNV                1.38   -82.9%   -75.0%    21.9
FSST   FASTNET            3.75     N/A    -70.6%    56.2
GIGM   GigaMedia         12.13     N/A    -79.1%   592.1
HANA   Hanaro Telecom     7.06     N/A    -52.9%     1.9B
NPLI   Netpliance         9.13     N/A    -25.5%   550.8
QSCG   QS Comm. AG       18.63     N/A      N/A    949.4
TLCT   Telocity Delaware  4.56     N/A    -64.7%   390.0
VNWI   VIA NET.WORKS     15.44     N/A    -49.3%   920.7
       ISP/Access Provider Ave.  -41.6%         

While this sector also is an infrastructure group, there are a number of weak-sister business models (free access) and smaller ISPs that will not survive. Look for Digital Island, Verio and Terra Networks to show strong in the year’s second half. NetZero and PNV are not long for this world, and OneMain.com is being bought by Earthlink.

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