Mirror Image Internet this week deployed Sun Enterprise
6500 Servers on its content delivery network nodes in Frankfurt and London.
The Sun servers utilized in the Mirror Image architecture are powerful enough
to handle the traffic of the entire UK and German markets and are capable of
scaling for future Internet traffic growth.
Mirror Image’s content delivery network relieves the bandwidth requirements
of rapidly growing global Internet traffic. Today, Mirror Image deploys a
large scale, global content delivery network that effectively transports 75 percent
of all Internet traffic to end users worldwide — at rates up to ten times
faster than traditional traffic flow.
“Internet usage is growing at a dramatic pace in the UK and in Europe, but
connection costs can be very expensive, and slow transfer rates have plagued
end users,” said Bill Green, eCommerce technologist for Sun Microsystems.
“Mirror Image’s content delivery network, supported by Sun’s highly scalable
servers, is an extremely effective solution to this problem.”
The new Sun servers are particularly effective because they use advanced load
balancing to take advantage of previously idle time between query responses.
The result is significant performance and functionality benefits for Mirror
Image customers, which include Internet service providers, content providers
and enterprises, and a much smoother and faster Internet experience for end
users. The modular architecture is also capable of handling data intensive
audio and streaming video applications.