Taking dead aim at Apple’s iPad, Motorola has unveiled a new 10.1-inch tablet PC, the first powered by Android 3.0, or “Honeycomb.” The new Xoom device comes just weeks after Motorola released a teaser video jeering the iPad as a “giant iPhone.”
Additionally, Motorola and its carrier partner AT&T took the wraps off of a new smartphone, called the Atrix 4G, one of more than a dozen devices to run on AT&T’s new 4G network.
Enterprise Mobile Today has the story on Motorola’s news from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.
Motorola Mobility today unveiled Xoom, the first tablet PC that will run on Android 3.0, dubbed Honeycomb, and features a 10.1-inch display that will be larger than Apple’s first-generation iPad.
CEO Sanjay Jha said Xoom will be available first as a 3G device sometime in the first quarter but will eventually be upgradeable to 4G “sometime in the second quarter.” The Honeycomb mobile OS-powered device will also include a dual-core processor, front- and rear-facing cameras, 1280×800 resolution, supports Adobe Flash 10.1 and HD video recording functionality.