NCompass Resolution 2.0 Is Integrated Web Content Solution

NCompass Labs announced the updated NCompass Resolution 2.0, an integrated Web Content Architecture solution that
combines Web publishing, authoring, design, and content management with
out-of-the-box deployment.

Organizations can use this latest version of
NCompass Resolution to install and deploy an enterprise-class Web solution
without the help of external services, said the vendor. New features include
improved content management and design capabilities, better page generation
performance and extended workflow functionality.

“Resolution 2.0 sets new standards for ease-of-use and cost effectiveness in managing
enterprise Web sites without the need for professional services or custom
database design,” said Dr. Gerri Sinclair, president and CEO of NCompass Labs. “This new version significantly lowers the barriers to entry for
any size organization or department with a web content management

Resolution 2.0 can be ready for publishing after
just 15 minutes of installation time, according to Sinclair. Its staging server component takes a
“snapshot” of a dynamic site, and this snapshot can be deployed on Web
platforms on Microsoft Windows NT, Unix and Apple Macintosh. A
scheduling feature enables selected sites to be updated at specified intervals,
while snapshots can be archived as a record.

Resolution 2.0 offers a range of new object management features, including
template validation, dependency searching, and usage searching to determine
the templates and resources used by an object. An integrated data store
keeps all objects within a standard relational database–and eliminates the
need to manage dual stores.

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