The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) National Conference is taking place today through November 1st at the Meydenbauer Center in downtown Bellevue in conjunction with the Technology 2000 Expo. The expo begins tomorrow and ends on November 2nd. has learned the some of the companies showcasing at Technology 2000 are internet-related companies. These companies, that have produced successful commercial products through the SBIR Program will be demonstrating their innovations in the exhibit hall and competing for the SBIR Technology of the Year Awards, to be announced November 2.
As regard grants, U.S. federal agencies are preparing to award thousands of R&D grants to hi-tech companies through the SBIR Program. In fact, total SBIR funding is expected to exceed $1.2 billion in fiscal year 2001.
The SBIR Program funds U.S.-owned firms with 500 or fewer employees to conduct cutting-edge, innovative R&D that addresses the government’s mission objectives while also promising commercial payoffs in new products.
The Program funds high-risk projects at the earliest stages of development, typically before companies can attract venture capital. Terms are extremely favorable, and the small business partner keeps the rights to
their intellectual property such as patents. Each project may be awarded up to $850,000 over a 2-1/2 year period.
Managers from SBIR-sponsoring agencies — including the Department of Defense, and the National Science Foundation, and NASA — will be on hand to discuss their programs and funding opportunities, as will many large firms looking for partners and subcontractors. Seminars will offer practical advice on such issues ranging from preparing proposals and raising capital to developing a business plan and protecting intellectual property.
The website for Technology 2000 is: ttp://