Netscape Communications Corporation today announced the creation of a new Web site division with the aim of expanding its Netcenter online service into a leading hub site for Internet users.
Today’s announcement is further evidence of Netscape’s continuing strategy to ensure that Netcenter competes with the likes of Yahoo!, AOL, and Microsoft in the race to capture users at the “front door.”
The new division will focus on centralizing resources and critical business functions–including Web site marketing, product development, sales, and operations–that capitalize on its enterprise software and solutions products.
Netcenter plans to leverage Netscape Navigator and Communicator client software by integrating user experience with the client software’s installed base of over 68 million users. The site will also use Netscape’s electronic
commerce products from the Netscape CommerceXpert line, as well as its
SuiteSpot server products, and display some of the world’s largest
Netscape bills its Netcenter online service as on one of the most heavily
trafficked sites on the Internet, providing users with one-stop access to
content, computing, commerce, and community services.
Since its launch in September, Netcenter has added several new programs,
including Netscape Business Journal by NewsEdge; the Professional Connections online community; a scalable Member Directory; an instant messaging service; and a marketplace for online purchase of books, music, travel services, flowers, discount products, software, and other merchandise.
Mike Homer was named executive vice president and general manager of the Division, reporting directly to Netscape president and CEO, Jim Barksdale.
“We have reached the milestone of 3.8 million members in just a
little more than 6 months since we introduced Netcenter,” said Homer.
“Our goal is to expand our service offerings–business and consumer–and to make Netcenter the premier destination site on the Web by leveraging Netscape’s installed base of more than 68 million client software users.”