A Brooklyn man was arrested and charged Thursday with what is described as
the largest identity theft in Internet history.
Abraham Abdallah is suspected of stealing millions of dollars by using
the Web to invade the personal financial lives of celebrities, billionaires
and corporate executives.
The 32-year-old bus boy allegedly invaded the bank, brokerage and credit
card accounts of Steven Spielberg, Martha Stewart, George Lucas, Sumner
Redstone, Oprah Winfrey, Ross Perot, George Soros, Warren Buffett, Ted
Turner, Ronald Perelman, Carl Icahn, Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, David
Geffen, Barry Diller and Michael Eisner, according to the New York
The online scam involved duping credit-reporting companies and gaining
access to victims’ credit cards and accounts at brokerage houses and
investment banks, such as Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and
Fidelity Investments.
Abdallah insulated himself by using Web-enabled cell phones and virtual
voice mail, which enabled him to receive messages and faxes without
detection for six months, according to the report. He dispatched couriers to
pick up packages ordered in his victims’ names. The case reportedly has been
turned over to federal authorities.
The New York Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation
were not available for comment at press time.