Red Hat Summit Hosts a Wedding – for Real. #RHSummit

I’ve seen a lot of strange things at technology conferences. I’ve seen all manner of flying objects, cars, sports stars and crazy contests – but i’ve never seen what I saw today at Red Hat Summit 2016 – a real wedding.

At first, I thought it was a joke – a marketing ploy – but it’s not.

Red Hat President and EVP Paul Cormier got his one-day marriage license to perform the ceremony, and of course Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst was theRed Hat Summit Wedding ring bearer.

The new married couple are Texans Shannon Montague an American Sign Language interpreter and  Matt Hargrave (@hargrizzel on Twitter), senior Linux engineer at GM Financial  And Hargrave really loves Red Hat (and Shannon too of course).

“Pushing a commit to github isn’t the same as committing to a life partner, there is no forking this project,” Cormier said as he presided over the ceremony on the Red Hat Summit stage.

Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist

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