Rep. Blackburn Talks Tough on Reining in FCC

House Republicans are lining up to overturn many of what they see as egregious regulatory excesses implemented in the past two years. It’s already underway with the effort to repeal President Obama’s health care law, and it won’t be long before they take aim at the Federal Communications Commission.

So promised Rep. Marsha Blackburn Chairman on Tuesday at a policy conference in Washington. Blackburn has already introduced legislation to overturn the FCC’s December net neutrality rules, echoing the promise of Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton to make Julius Genachowski, the chair of the FCC, a “familiar face” on Capitol Hill.

Blackburn predicted bipartisan support for the push to overturn the FCC’s order, and vowed to take an active role in legislation that would clearly — and narrowly — define the agency’s authority over the broadband sector.

Datamation reports on Blackburn’s plans to rein in the FCC, and previews her tech policy agenda for the new session of Congress.

Read the full story at Datamation:

Blackburn: FCC Headed for ‘Congressional Hurricane’

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