TD MarketSite,
business-to-business e-commerce arm of TD Bank Financial Group, this week
advanced its strategy to offer global B2B services to companies across
TD MarketSite is a B2B portal designed as a trading resource for Canadian
businesses. It aims to become Canada’s first B2B trading portal with the
capacity to seamlessly exchange with global MarketSite trading communities.
TD announced that it had met its commitment to activate live procurement on
the site on March 31, and is on track to begin live trading between Canadian
companies this summer.
“A recent report by Forrester Research estimates Canadian B2B e-commerce
revenue at $218-billion — 11 percent of all trade conducted by Canadian
business — by 2004,” said Stephen J. Hucal, Marketsite president and chief
executive officer.
“With our internal procurement process launched, we are one step closer to
realizing a significant portion of that potential.”
In Canada and globally, TD Bank Financial Group serves more than 11 million
customers; and with over 2.2 million online accounts worldwide, it ranks
among the top three financial services firms in the world in terms of
customer accounts.