In a letter to Members of Parliament,
Paddy Tipping MP, Parliamentary Secretary at the Privy Council Office,
acknowledged that the UK Government had made good progress in
beating the Millennium Bug internally.
However, in his letter — which is also available from the
Year 2000 Web site, Tipping warned against any complacency.
“I am pleased to say that the Government remains on course to be
millennium-ready in good time,” he said. “In nearly every department
and agency correction work has been completed and as soon as
the systems have been fully tested they are signed off as ready.
“I am also pleased to report that those departments who reported
earlier that they would not be able to complete their programmes
until the last quarter of the year, are keeping to their project
“I am, however, concerned that three departments report for the first
time that their business critical systems will not be ready until
September or October. In all these cases I have written to the
appropriate Secretary of State, asking them to monitor progress
carefully and ensure that any necessary remedial action is taken.”
The departments in question are Companies House, The Employment
Tribunal Service and The Northern Ireland Office. All three have
reported minor delays that should be resolved fairly quickly.
The UK is widely acknowledged as being a leader in tackling
Year 2000 issues. The Government publishes details on a monthly
basis about its own progress in fighting the Millennium Bug, while
making available information for companies via an actionline
(0845 601 2000) and web site .