San Francisco-based CBS MarketWatch is promoting itself
in a new advertising campaign created by Headlands Communications Inc. of Mill
Valley, CA.
The campaign features headlines that are “relevant exaggerations of what
might happen” in the financial market and can be seen on telephone kiosks
throughout Manhattan. The campaign theme uses “Keep an eye on your money.
Because anything can happen,” to play off the headline exaggerations.
Larry Kramer, CEO and president of CBS MarketWatch, said he believes this
strategy will attract the attention of savvy, contemporary Internet users,
leaving them with a message that CBS MarketWatch covers the news with a
personality, and should be checked daily for the latest financial news.
Kramer selected the New York City market to build awareness in both
advertising and financial communities. “We’re telling Wall Street and Madison
Avenue that financial coverage is important and interesting. Real-time
reporting on the Internet is the newest form of coverage for the Financial
Markets. Wall Street coverage has quickly become the first category of news
that readers actually prefer to get on the Internet.”
In addition to the New York City kiosks, the campaign can also be seen in the
San Francisco financial district. In one example, the headlines and logo
scroll across the top of a digital outdoor sign on California Street. The
company plans to extend the campaign to other major U.S. markets.
CBS MarketWatch is a joint venture between CBS and Data Broadcasting Corp.
that delivers business news and real-time financial data and analysis.
Headlands Communications is a six-year-old, full service agency working with
several prominent regional and national advertisers, especially in the
financial, health care and other service categories.