ECI Launches Classified Display Solution

San Francisco-based Electric Classifieds Inc. rolled out an online
classified display ad solution.

ECI said the new product line will enable Web publishers to expand their
online classifieds efforts by placing multiple listing ads or ads with both
text and graphics online in a searchable format.

Display ads have traditionally been left out of online classifieds due to the
complexity of extracting the data from their graphical layout and separating
each listing into a searchable format.

ECI said its Display Ad solution not only provides each listing as a
searchable item to match a buyer’s search criteria precisely, but also
access to the display ad in its original form as an attachment to the
individual ad. This enables the buyer to view the display ad in its entirety
and maintains the advertiser’s original presentation and branding.

“Our Display Advertising solution delivers an important new component to a
media publisher’s online classifieds solution,” said Tom Barquinero, ECI’s
marketing director. “This feature opens new revenue opportunity for new media
publishers who can now offer their major advertisers space online.”

ECI is exhibiting its new display ad product at the Interactive Newspapers ’98
show in Seattle.

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