Free-PC Signs Initial Advertisers for First 10,000 Units

Pasadena, CA-based Free-PC Inc. said that initial advertisers
will include Citibank, eBay,, New Line Cinema, ISN/FirstAuction,
eToys, Cyberian Outpost, eNews,, PCFlowers and CarsDirect, among

The ad-backed company is giving away 10,000 personal computers with free
Internet access and e-mail. Advertisers and marketing partners will reach
Free-PC users through one or more desktop vehicles, including rotating,
targeted banner advertising and fixed direct access buttons.

Free-PC consumers complete a detailed questionnaire that allows the company
to target advertising to them. Ads are served from the hard drive of the
computer, enabling rich media such as film clips, broadcast spots and other
multimedia creative. Ads appear onscreen on a side and bottom bar, whether or
not the user is online.

“With our online detailed demographic reporting of customer clickthroughs
on ads and channel buttons, our marketing partners will be able to know which
consumers are specifically attracted to their offers and services,” said
Steve Chadima, Free-PC’s vice president of marketing. “All of this feedback
is available in real time. . .”

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