Ad-backed e-mail firm Juno Online Services signed an agreement
making LCI International Inc. the
exclusive provider of long distance telephone services and other consumer
telecommunications products over the Juno network.
With more than 4.5 million subscribers, Juno claims it is the second-largest
online service in the United States, after America Online.
Under the five-year, multi-million dollar marketing agreement, Juno’s
subscribers will have access to LCI’s “Simple, Fair and Inexpensive” domestic
and international long-distance rates. Financial specifics were not disclosed.
LCI also will be able to provide Juno members with home 800 numbers, pre-paid
calling cards and holiday calling promotions.
LCI will communicate with Juno’s subscribers through a coordinated, ongoing
marketing campaign on the Juno network. Launched in April 1996, Juno said it
is currently signing up new subscribers to its service at a rate of more than
250,000 per month.