Sure not everyone can afford the monthly tab for high-speed broadband services. But is cost the only factor limiting wider adoption of broadband services? The answer is no, according to the results in a new government report. The Digital Nation II report compared census results among those with similar incomes and discovered a racial and ethnic divide when it comes to broadband adoption. “The striking result here is that there really are quite large differences that remain even after taking into account income and education,” U.S. Under Secretary for Economic Affairs Rebecca Blank said in a press conference detailed by Enterprise Networking Planet.
When it comes to broadband adoption in the U.S, income and education aren’t the only factors that may be limiting use.
A new report from the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) provides new insight into the role that ethnicity and race play in broadband adoption. The Digital Nation II report is based on data collected from 54,000 households by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2009.