Atlanta, GA-based StayOnline, a provider of wireless Internet access at hotels, has entered an agreement to become part of the iPass Global Broadband Roaming network.
The move will allow iPass subscribers using their iPassConnect Smart Client software full access to the public access hotspots and, in some cases, guest room Wi-Fi connections that StayOnline has installed at customer hotels. This is the first roaming agreement StayOnline has entered with any company.
StayOnline also announced today that it will soon be installing service in it’s 100th hotel in North America (the 167-room La Fonda in Sante Fe, NM).
iPass, headquartered in Redwood Shores, CA, has a similar roaming agreements with Wayport, another company known for putting hotspots in hotels, as well as airports and conferences. Wayport does a mix of wired and wireless on its network while StayOnline is strictly wireless only. The iPass Global Broadband Roaming virtual network includes StayOnline, Wayport, and several other disparate providers of wired and wireless Internet access.