Luxury shopping club start-up Inc. said it plans to open
the prototype of its “clicks and mortar” retail stores in Atlanta.’s online store is a member’s only site with an annual fee. The
company’s target market is primarily females between the ages of 25 and 54
with annual household incomes of $75,000 or higher.
The merchandise strategy at the Web site is focused on specialty retail
concepts and features lifestyle products for the home and individual.
merchandise assortment will be displayed in boutique settings with a maximum
of 5,000 products. The company expects to have 1,500 to 2,000 products on its
site by April 2, 2000.
The value proposition for members is zebrapoints. Each purchase
earns points that are a significant percentage of the gross profit on the
items purchased.
This translates into discounts of up to 30 percent, the
company said. Zebrapoints can be used for subsequent purchases or to renew
membership. They can also be converted to frequent flyer miles. said plans to open additional stores in other major
metropolitan areas.