Enterprise Social Media on Record Revenue Pace

Whether any of the many contenders to become “Facebook for the enterprise” ever succeed, it’s clear that social media is finding a home in large corporations and organizations. The benefits of improved collaboration are only one of the many benefits.

As eCRM Guide reports, Gartner sees strong growth ahead for social media in 2011 as companies are starting to realize a diverse set of advantages to making social media applications more broadly available. The research firm also explains why cloud computing is helping to drive acceptance of social media apps from the enterprise down to small-to-midsized businesses as well.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg won Time magazine’s Person of the Year award, but it looks like the social media software revolution he helped launch is reaching well beyond consumers.

Research firm Gartner sees healthy revenue growth for enterprise social media software this year and on into 2011. For 2010, Gartner said revenue is on pace to hit $664 million, a 14.9 percent increase from last year. For next year, Gartner expects revenue to reach $769.2 million, a 15.7 percent bump up from 2010.

Read the full story at eCRM Guide:

Bullish Forecast for Enterprise Social Media Software

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