Finisar Updates Multi-Protocol Analyzer For SANs

Finisar Systems has updated its GTX software, a multi-protocol analyzer for storage area networks (SANs).

The company said GTX 4.0, designed for R&D developers, test engineers and design QA engineers, features iSCSI triggers and analysis and the ability to view all three SAN protocols (iSCSI, Fibre Channel and InfiniBand) with just one viewer.

Finisar said the new version, which is backwards compatible with previous GTX releases, is a result of the demands of users. “Our customers have been asking for a tool to test and analyze all three SAN protocols and we are proud to say that we have delivered” said Finisar Systems General Manager, Bill Shaw. “GTX 4.0 helps our customers solve their SAN protocol analysis problems quickly and easily.”

According to Finisar, iSCSI product features include capture of 1 gigabit (Gb) or 2 Gb of Trace Data in on-board buffers, new Trace Viewer spreadsheet and GTX-style format viewer for easy identification for existing Finisar users. In addition to the new iSCSI features, the company said GTX 4.0 also adds more decodes for Fibre Channel and an upgrade to its GTX SANMetrics-Fibre Channel/SCSI debug and analysis tool. GTX-SANMetrics new features include over 240 Fibre Channel and SCSI performance metrics in graph view with zoom and high channel count support which allows the user to view as many as the analyzer will allow.

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