Gadzoox Slingshot Switch Verified Compatible with XIOtech SAN

Gadzoox Networks Inc. and XIOtech Corp. announced that XIOtech has verified the compatibility of Gadzoox Networks’ 2Gb Open Fabric Slingshot switches for operation with XIOtech’s Magnitude SAN hardware platform.

Gadzoox Networks’ Slingshot 2Gb Open Fabric switch line and the XIOtech Magnitude have completed rigorous interoperability and compatibility testing. Scalability, management capabilities, and compatibility with a mix of other vendor products were tested during the certification process.

As part of the testing, certification was achieved with the following server OS products: Windows 2000/NT, Solaris 6/7/8, NetWare 5.x/6.x, HP-UX, AIX, Linux Redhat, Tru-64, IRIX, and Mac OS 9.x.

“Customers are interested in the scalability and simplified management that SANs provide,” said Richard Blaschke, executive vice president of Marketing for XIOtech. “In the movement toward best-of-breed solutions, there is an inherent need for multiple products to function together as one single solution. XIOtech consistently has demonstrated its leadership role in ease of use and interoperability. The functionality of Gadzoox Network’s newest products along with our joint compatibility testing, bring the benefits of SANs to a broader set of the marketplace.

“Gadzoox Networks is focused on supplying our customers with standards-based solutions that are easy to manage and offer industry-leading performance and value,” said Clark Foy, vice president of Marketing for Gadzoox Networks. “Our partnership with XIOtech draws upon these key benefits and enables our two companies to provide certified solutions for the high-availability clustering and storage consolidation markets.”

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