Enterprise interaction management software vendor Bluestone Software Inc. (BLSW), Monday released Bluestone Universal Business Server for TeB v7.0, its pure
Java application server deployment engine.
The Bluestone Universal Business Server is the heart of the company’s
flagship product, Sapphire/Web, and its integration server, Bluestone XML
Suite, as well as being the foundation of its newest product line,
Total-e-Business (TeB) platform.
Bluestone Universal Business Server for TeB v7.0 is based entirely on
Sun’s J2EE specification. Using XML as its internal communication vehicle,
the product establishes an infrastructure foundation for enterprise-class
e-business applications.
Bluestone Universal Business Server for TeB evolved from the
Sapphire/Universal Business Server, the application deployment architecture
powering the Sapphire/Web Application Server framework. As a result, the
Bluestone Universal Business Server for TeB brings improved performance,
scalability, fault tolerance and XML services to the company’s forthcoming
TeB platform editions, including Total-e-Global, Total-e-B2B, Total-e-B2C,
Total-e-Wireless, and Total-e-Server, scheduled for release later this
To deliver its level of application performance, Bluestone Universal
Business Server for TeB runs the JSP and Servlet engines in the same
application server instance as the EJB server. Unique to Bluestone, this
in-process deployment technique eliminates the remote network
calls that degrade Web and XML application performance.
Moreover, the technique ensures that JSPs and servlets can apply
fault tolerance, scalability, security, and performance provided by the
proven Bluestone Universal Business Server for TeB.
Bluestone Universal Business Server for TeB uses XML for a number of
services, including the persistence map that permanently stores the state of
an application. XML gives the Bluestone Universal Business Server for TeB
high-performance support for fine-grained objects in EJB.
The Bluestone Universal Business Server for TeB also employs a dynamic
XSL (XML Stylesheet Language) engine that lets users automatically detect
client device types and generate the proper delivery format, whether it is a
cell phone, palmtop device, desktop
browser, B2B application, or other client type.
Bluestone Universal Business Server for TeB is available in Sapphire/Web,
Bluestone XML Suite, and Total-e-Business.