Sun Microsystems Inc. and Entera this week announced streaming media support for
clients using the Java Media Framework 2.0 API.
Entera’s Lightweight
Streaming Server Application (ELSA) will enable Internet Services Providers
(ISPs), Web hosting companies, and content providers to stream movies, music,
and interactive content to Java clients using JMF and standards-based
compression technologies.
“Because Sun supports the open standards-based RTSP/RTP media transport
protocols, as well as open standard media codecs, (MPEG, MP3, H.261, H.263,
G.723, GSM), our standards-based ELSA server is able to serve content to
PDA’s, embedded devices, Linux and Unix workstations, and other Java-enabled
solutions,” said John Scharber, CTO of Entera, Inc. “Together, Sun and Entera
are working to give our partners enabling solutions to build the Internet.”
“Entera’s ELSA server provides multi-platform support and therefore will be a
key enabler to serve standards based streaming media to the mass market using
JMF,” said Larry Abrahams, Director of Core Java 2 Development at Sun
Microsystems Inc. (SUNW)
“Entera’s commitment to open standards and JMF underscores
our success in bringing innovation to the Java platform.”
JMF supports streaming media that are sent by any RTSP/RTP compliant server
and also can playback HTTP streams. New features in JMF 2.0 provide both
capture and transmit capabilities, which enable server-side stream generation
and client-side stream playback.
Entera’s Lightweight Steaming Server Application (ELSA) is available on six
(6) platforms including Sun Microsystems’ Solaris SPARC, Solaris x86, Linux
(RedHat 6.0 or equivalent), FreeBSD, Windows 98, and Windows NT platforms.
Using Sun’s JMF, Apple’s QuickTime 4(R), and other standards-based
technologies, Entera’s Lightweight Streaming Server Application (ELSA) will
enable ISPs, Web hosting companies, and content providers to stream movies,
music, and interactive content. The RTSP/RTP server is the latest development
in a line of solutions offered by Entera. A “Beta” version of the software is
now available for free download from, and other prominent Web sites.
Java Media Framework, is a standard extension to the Java platform. The JMF
2.0 API presents a full-featured, unified architecture and programming
interface for the playback, synchronization, capture, and transmission of
streaming and stored time-based media — including audio, video, and MIDI —
across all Java technology-compatible platforms.
JMF 2.0 also offers support for several new file types — MP3, Macromedia’s (MACR)
Flash 2 (a popular vector animation facility) and IBM’s HotMedia. JMF runs on
Java Compatible platforms running JDK 1.1 and above. JMF can be used with
HotJava Browser 1.1, Netscape Communicator 4.03-4.05 with the JDK 1.1 patch,
Netscape Communicator 4.06 or later, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or