IBM and its
Lotus subsidiary this week announced the
release of the LotusXSL processor, which the two companies hailed as one of
the first Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) implementations to be based
on the W3C’s newly released working draft of the XSL specification.
The XSL specification provides developers with a flexible, simple way to
convert XML to HTML and other formats, including Precision Graphics Markup
Language (PGML), for viewing within a user’s Web browser or other
Web-enabled devices.
By using LotusXSL, the data formatting process is a simple matter of making
a change to a single stylesheet. This document helps to define the page
layout and is used to modify how the data is presented without making any
changes to the data itself. One style sheet can be applied to a broad class
of data sources, making the presentation of the data the same even on
different client devices.
For additional information, or to download the LotusXSL processor, visit
IBM’s alphaWorks Web Site.