JP Systems Inc. this week released InfoBeam, which it is billing as the world’s first software and retrieval service to bring Web content to 3Com connected organizers by using infrared technology.
Today’s users demand instant access to information at all times. InfoBeam provides wireless access to time-sensitive data such as stock quotes, airline information, package tracking, telephone directories and weather reports. Users select a search topic and enter key search data on a Palm organizer. InfoBeam links the infrared technologies on Palm III, Palm IIIx and Palm V organizers to Glenayre’s AccessLink II pagers, providing the information in less than 40 seconds in a convenient format.
The InfoBeam service activation fee is $9.99. JP Systems also debuted its
new Web site devoted to the InfoBeam software and service. JP Systems plans to offer the Web information retrieval software and service free for the first 30 days. Users can then select from a flat-rate $5.99 monthly price plan or a three-month plan for $14.99. For additional information about the InfoBeam software and service, visit the InfoBeam Web site.