Interwoven Releases “OpenDeploy”

Interwoven today announced OpenDeploy, its full-featured deployment solution for large-scale Web sites.

OpenDeploy is designed to securely transport Web content from the development environment to a site’s production servers, which may include servers at external locations. It may be used as a stand-alone deployment solution, or as a component of Interwoven’s TeamSite Web site production control system.

OpenDeploy can be utilized to automate the redundant task of continuously
updating dynamic Web site content and code. To achieve the automated error-free deployment of Web content to large sites requires a solution that manages the deployment of pages and code to any number of production
servers from multiple development environments. OpenDeploy applies fixes to
production servers and preserves file attributes and directory structures,
enabling seamless integration with existing operations.

The deployment solution supports a corporation’s existing security
policies, encrypting content and specifying ports for the secure transport
of content over standard unsecure Internet connections.

Designed to be used with larger scale Web sites, OpenDeploy provides
content management for companies that depend on effective Web site load
distribution using multiple locations. When OpenDeploy is integrated with
Interwoven’s TeamSite, the Web site production control solution, it can
utilize Site Rollback, the ability to redeploy an archived version of the
site taken from any point in the development of the site.

OpenDeploy is available now on a per license basis, with a retail price of
$4995 per license, based on one license per production server. Each
OpenDeploy license is bundled with Interwoven’s TeamSite 1.7.

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