ParaSoft Corporation, today announced that its new jtest! Java debugging tool has gotten rave reviews from the National Software Testing Labs.
jtest! is one of the first automatic bug-finders for Java developers. The tool uses ParaSoft’s patent-pending Test Generation System technology to generate and execute test case input for Java programs automatically.
The tool does this by automatically reading and analyzing the source code, and then locating exactly where uncaught runtime exceptions can occur. jtest! then reports the problems to the developer so they may be corrected. In this
manner, jtest! enables programmers to make their code robust and error-free.
jtest! is currently available for Microsoft Windows 95/NT for a retail
price of $495, and a Solaris version is available for $995. To see the full review of jtest!, read the April issue of Java Report magazine.
More information about jtest! can be found on the ParaSoft Web site.