LinkInfo Service Keeps Tabs on Links to Your Site

Pinnacle Publishing, Inc. this week
launched LinkInfo, a service
designed to track and analyze the external links to a specified URL.

Targeted at Web marketing and promotion professionals, LinkInfo also tracks
the number of sites that have dropped links to the URL in the past week, as
well as the number of sites that have added links to the site in the past

LinkInfo is also able to track links to a competitor’s Web site, and
provides detailed reports to subscribers each week. Included among the
reports are:

  • an executive summary which details numerical trends
  • a full listing of sites which have linked to the URL
  • a full listing of sites which have dropped links to the URL
  • a full listing of sites which have added links to the URL
  • a comparison between links to your URL and to your competitor’s URL

The reports are complemented with graphs that highlight the in-linking
trends of the URL. LinkInfo uses the Alta Vista search engine database to
gather its data. It then queries and analyzes the data from Alta Vista
under a special contract.

Special verification technology used in the LinkInfo engine individually
verifies each link reported as being dropped. Site administrators may then
contact the site that has dropped the link to ask them to re-link at the
correct URL, add a link to a new URL, etc.

LinkInfo retails for $199 for an annual subscription, with charter
subscriptions available for $149. For additional information, visit the
LinkInfo Web site.

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