Net.Dreams this week released Remote Mail 1.0 which enables Webmasters using Macintosh Web servers to provide access to POP3 mail servers from any Web browser.
By using Remote Mail, end users can read and process their e-mail simply by pointing their Web browser to a Web page enabled with Remote Mail. Remote Mail may also be used to offer exclusive access to the administrator’s own email system.
Remote Mail 1.0 makes it easy for end users to retrieve their email. They just enter their email address and password to get their mail using any browser that accepts cookies. Site administrators can change the look and feel of any page generated by Remote Mail using basic HTML.
Net.Dreams designed Remote Mail to work well in public terminals where users briefly stop in to check their email, then log off and leave. Several security features were included to prevent spamming, unauthorized logins, session hijacking and message spoofing.
Remote Mail supports WebSTAR, WebTEN and Quid Pro Quo Web servers, and requires the use of any W*API 1.2-compatible Web server running on a 68K, PPC or G3 Macintosh. The product is available now for $249 from the Net.Dreams Web site.