Oracle Corp. today announced that Oracle AppBuilder for Java v1.0 will be shipping as part of its new JDeveloper Suite, which also includes Oracle Application Server 4.0, Oracle8 Data Server, and Symantec’s Visual Page HTML editor.
JDeveloper Suite provides developers with the tools needed to create server-based solutions and to move complex application logic from the client onto scalable, professionally-managed application servers.
Oracle believes that developers will appreciate the ability to work within a single, integrated set of products as they create and deploy enterprise Java-database applications.
AppBuilder for Java features a broad range of data access capabilities. Oracle’s JDBC drivers, which are embedded within the tool, provide 100% Pure Java or native connectivity to Oracle7 or Oracle8.
Additionally, AppBuilder for Java is integrated with SQLJ, an industry standard precompiler that enables developers to embed SQL directly into Java source code.
JDeveloper Suite also supports the industry’s emerging technologies, including Dynamic HTML. By writing Java code on the middle tier using Oracle Application Server’s JWeb cartridge, HTML is dynamically generated and sent back to the client, providing the developer with the ability to create truly dynamic Web content.
For more information about pricing, the JDeveloper Suite, or Oracle AppBuilder for Java, visit the Oracle Web site.