Open Source adoption among developers is expected to grow at a faster pace in the Asia Pacific region (APAC) than in North America.
The finding comes from Evans Data Spring 2005 Asia Pacific Development Survey, which reported that 47 percent of APAC developers plan on upping their use of open source next year. In contrast, North American developers are expected to increase their open source usage by only 25 percent.
One of the fundamental tenants of open source development is that
developers contribute code back to the community, which is something that APAC developers apparently do more of as well.
Evans Data reported that 44 percent of APAC developers contribute back to the open source community as opposed to 32 percent of North American developers.
Some 70 percent of APAC developers also believe that Linux can be used for mission-critical deployments. Only 57 percent in North America think that Linux is ready for mission-critical.
Steve Fullmer, Evans Data APAC and North American analyst, said the trend in the enterprise space in North America is that greater use of Java corresponds clearly with a greater acceptance and use of open source resources.
Adoption of 64 bit technology is also expected to grow in APAC. The most recent Evans Data study found that only 15 percent of respondent did not have plans to develop on 64-bit technology down from 35 percent six months ago.