Announces Do-It-Yourself Internet Radio

ByScott Clark

Managing Editor, Java
Boutique this week announced
that it is accepting registrations from individuals and businesses for its
premier Internet broadcasting service.

Online radio is very popular, as recent statistics have shown that almost
20 percent of Internet users have listened to radio and news/talk shows
online. is offering members a TalkNetRadio kit which includes free
software used to broadcast and receive programs. The kit also features free
home pages, e-mail services and other tools to help members promote their
programs. Listeners can talk with broadcasters using real-time chat, which
enables them to ask questions and provide comments during broadcasts. The
TalkNetRadio service will provide free broadcasting for members, limited to
a set number of listeners. A “per-listener” fee will be charged to
commercial customers.

Members who register for the service before July 5 will receive additional
free streams, providing them with the ability to reach a larger audience.

For additional information about the TalkNetRadio kit, or to become a
member, visit the Web site.

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