Web.com Offers Free Redirect Service

Web Internet LLC Thursday launched
Web.com, a free domain name redirect service.

The service, known as WebAddress, provides site owners with a free domain name and redirects visitors to an owner’s existing Web site.

For example, a bookstore’s current Web address might be
http://members.ispname.com/neighborhood/community/~greatbooks/index2.html; WebAddress simplifies it to a domain name such as greatbooks.web.com. The service wraps the referred page in a relatively unobtrusive toolbar with access to the Web.com portal.

The Web.com portal offers a search engine powered by GoTo.com, a
comparison-shopping engine driven by Bottomdollar.com, and aggregated news headlines by NewsHub.

In association with CommTouch Software Web.com is also offering WebMail, a free Web-based e-mail service providing yourname@web.com e-mail addresses.

WebMail is offered in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and
Swedish. Plans for additional languages include Japanese, Chinese and Russian.

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